We don’t have an office (just our trustee’s houses!)

Please contact us via the relevant email inbox.

We are very busy and will do our best to respond promptly

DO NOT CONTACT US ABOUT PLAYING AT THE FESTIVAL OR APPLYING FOR A STALL THIS YEAR. Please complete the relevant application form: Band Application Form


For general enquiries   info@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Stalls Coordinator stalls@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Volunteer Coordinator (Kate) Volunteers@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Music Team (group inbox) music@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Community Performance Area performancearea@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Chair (Liz) chair@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Treasurer (Tom W)  treasurer@meadowsfestival.co.uk

Site and Logistics (Tom B) tomb@meadowsfestival.co.uk